I remember that I first fell in love with math when my Aunt Peggy taught me long division versus short division at the age of eight. I was so excited to be able to figure out the problems that I would try to see how fast I could solve a problem. In ninth grade, Mr. De La Vecchia introduced me to Algebra. My happiness sensory went into overload. Figuring out a+b=c or learning polynomials was so exciting for me!
Then there are sciences. I couldn’t wait to get to Mr. Wolfe’s class to see the next Physics demo or in my chemistry class to turn on the Bunsen burner to perform another experiment. I think I liked these two subjects, because mathematics was involved. It shouldn’t be a surprise that in my career I ended up using mathematics in all of the jobs I held in telecommunications. As a sales engineer, I had to determine how many IP addresses a client may need for the companies data network. I had to become certified in the design of networks via the Cisco certification process.
The part I love most about studying for my exams involved understanding binary codes and subnet masking. Learning about ASCII, ANSI, Hex, etc. codes was thrilling to me. I would engross myself into converting binary codes to IP addresses and back for hours! Knowing that as the IP and is the beginning of a “C” class private IP address, sent my mind into happy land overdrive. Most of my girlfriends taught I was “nuts” of course. They couldn’t imagine I would give up my weekend to read a technical book.
I also love music because of math. There are eight notes that when rearranged make great melodies, but I see them in mathematical combination instead of arrangements or scores. When I learned to dance the waltz or other types of dances, I was usually counting 1-2-3, 1-2-3 or 1-2-3-4. Again math came to my rescue.
Fear not, guys and dolls. I’m not totally geeky. I get the same happy feeling when I enter Home Depot or Lowes, and I walk in the power tool aisle only to see a Dewalt Cordless 18V Hammerdrill with double battery pack on sale for $100. I love power tools. Or when I walk into Macys and see a pair of shoes on sale, marked down from $120 to $20! Shucks it doesn’t even have to be Macy’s, any pair of shoes on sales anywhere gives me the same happy feelings I have for math.
Next time you are out and about, think about the great things mathematics and science has brought us. You may have a new appreciation for these two awesome subjects. I didn’t like learning English subject much or writing an essay, but I have grown to love words and how beautiful they are when used to express my love of people, places, things, mathematics and science.
Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!
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