Tarik Woodbine taken by  Alex Dean
Tarik Woodbine taken by Alex Dean

As parents, we are expected to be proud of our children as they accomplish different milestones in their lives. The first day of school, the various graduation levels (pre-K, kindergarten, etc.) and pursuing their dreams. I’m no exception. I am proud of my son as he pursue his dreams of being a screenwriter, director, actor and model (click on his picture to see one of his mini movies). I am proud of my niece and nephews who are now loving and responsible parents. I’m glad to see that I didn’t mess up the parenting thing that much!

The other day, the table was turned on me. My son sent me a text that he was proud of me! Imagine that. He said he appreciates me as his mom. He also encourages me in the pursuit of my dreams. That gave me such a boost. Funny thing is, I shouldn’t be surprised, because I’m very proud of my mom and her accomplishments. I guess part of being a parent is making our kids proud of us also. I will cherish that text I received from my son, because he makes me proud and happy to be his mom!

Happy Timeless Tuesday. Keep Living a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose.

Get your copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today. Find out how my parents helped me to be a better person and parent, and how apply these principles to your life.

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My fellow Toastmaster, Lyle, is someone with whom I enjoy speaking. At 86 years old, Lyle has experienced so much in life. He was his high school quarterback on the football team, he was a race car driver and travel all over the world. He is a true Champ. His stories are always fun and fascinating.

One day last week, Lyle told me he had some advice for me. He said: “Kiddo, I’m worried about you. I see you doing so much, maybe too much. You have the Heart of a Champ and people know this about you. When you do anything you go all the way with it. You hardly say no. This will draw others to you. But Champs are often taken advantage of. I don’t want that for you. Don’t become a floor mat. Stay a Champ. Slow down and rest.”

This wasn’t the first advice Lyle has shared with me. But it is one to which I’m paying attention. I’m working to implement this. Lyle advice is not only for me, it is for all of you also. As you push to live your Diamond Life, Your Life of Purpose, folks may want to add other tasks to your list. Don’t take them on if they don’t fulfill your purpose. They are just distractions. Remember that even Champs need rest. Take time to refuel and refresh as you work towards living your purposeful life.

Keep your Heart of a Champ strong on Invincible Monday!

Get your copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

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A friend and I were having a conversation about the origin of humankind. He said he believes that we are all stardust originating from the explosion of many stars. We all have the ability to shine bright like a star. It is an interesting concept. Yet, before we all can shine, we must first know that we are valuble. We have to see ourselves as having many worthy gifts to share with others. Then our carat value increases allowing us to Shine Bright Like a Diamond!

Dancing to Rihanna’s Shine Bright Like a Diamond while Living that Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose on Fun Facet Friday!

Get your copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

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“Pay now play later versus play now pay later.” I’m not sure from whom I learned this phrase when I was a teenager. But the impact of this statement has stuck with me throughout most of my private and professional life. I shared it with my son, nieces and nephews to teach them the importance of its meaning.

For example: if one takes care of getting a task done prior to engaging in entertaining activities, it frees the mind and body to really enjoy oneself. But if you play first, the task that hasn’t been accomplish could weigh on ones mind. Thus taking away from the full enjoyment of playing.

In the case of the kids, I advice them to get their homework done first. Then they can have all the playtime they wanted. This is the same for us as adults. We may put off paying for something until later. Over time, the cost for that thing may increase beyond our means later than if we had just paid it in the first place. By all means, if you have the time or the funds pay now. Odds are you would enjoy better playtime later.

Get your autographed copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

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True success comes from living in the present, the Here and Now! Your Diamond Life, Your Life of Purpose is Here and Now! Live it on Timeless Tuesday!

Get your autographed copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

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