As parents, we are expected to be proud of our children as they accomplish different milestones in their lives. The first day of school, the various graduation levels (pre-K, kindergarten, etc.) and pursuing their dreams. I’m no exception. I am proud of my son as he pursue his dreams of being a screenwriter, director, actor and model (click on his picture to see one of his mini movies). I am proud of my niece and nephews who are now loving and responsible parents. I’m glad to see that I didn’t mess up the parenting thing that much!
The other day, the table was turned on me. My son sent me a text that he was proud of me! Imagine that. He said he appreciates me as his mom. He also encourages me in the pursuit of my dreams. That gave me such a boost. Funny thing is, I shouldn’t be surprised, because I’m very proud of my mom and her accomplishments. I guess part of being a parent is making our kids proud of us also. I will cherish that text I received from my son, because he makes me proud and happy to be his mom!
Happy Timeless Tuesday. Keep Living a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose.
Get your copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today. Find out how my parents helped me to be a better person and parent, and how apply these principles to your life.
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