I joined social media to promote my businesses and to build my brand awareness. I started out on LinkedIn in 2007 because it is a viewed as “the” professional social media site. Since then, I have joined Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, etc. In its Nov. 2012 Internet report, Pew Research states that over 69% of adults in this country are on one form of social media. (63% are men and 74% are women…no surprise there!) We women are social creatures.
I have found that managing these many social media sites is a full time job; if one is not careful. At first I was happy to post information about the products and services we offer and updating my professional information. I grew my market base and met new business partners via social media sites and social media events generated from these sites. Life was great.
Then I got hooked into Facebook with my family and friends updating every life’s events: vacation trips, trips to the movies, trips to the mall, etc. OMG (Oh My God), WHT (What the Heck) as I have learned to type from social media. These sites were eating up my time. I developed a love-hate relationship with them. If someone followed me on Twitter, I felt obligated to follow him or her. If they mentioned me in a tweet and retweet (RT), I had to thank them and mentioned (MT) them if I want to grow my followers.
I was drowning! One day, I had a revolt and decided that I was mad as heck and I wasn’t going to take it anymore. I decided I’m not going on for the rest of the week. That lasted about ½ day! Can we say addict? Anyway, I found out that I was not alone, about 54% of the women and 42% of men that are on social media get on every day. (Pew Report 2012)
Many people said that social media is a distraction. In a recent Mashable, an online technology news site, article, reporter Jennifer Shore writes that social media distraction may be costing the U.S. economy $650 Billion or $4,452 per company! We spend over 12 billion hours on social media, annually. Wow! Think how many pairs of shoes or power tool one can buy! (Hahaha).
Don’t hit the panic button yet. We still have some control. As with any self-indulgent activity, we have to power to moderate how much we do or use something. I have resorted to use tools such as Hootsuite or Tweetdeck to manage most of my social media sites. These tools allow me to view the sites simultaneously and to post information across all. I also have allotted specific times when I will jump on these social sites. According to Pew about 61% of people state that they generally take breaks from Facebook. This is due to boredom, too much gossip or simple as a way to fast for Lent.
Personally, I take breaks to focus on getting my projects done and to stay focus on being creative and connected offline. When I feel like I have sometime important, or inspirational, I jump online and share it. I have learned to use social media as an attraction and not a distraction. See you on LinkedIn or Facebook or Twitter or YouTube or whatever!!!!
Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!
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