UM Students and Alums

Recently, Alicia Rodriguez, Director of Employer Relations at the University of Miami, invited me to be the keynote speaker at the university’s Diversity Networking Night event. The goal of the event was to engage a diverse group of students and alumni of various backgrounds with potential employers. My task was to provide them with tips for successful networking and job interviewing skills.I was honored to be the keynote speaker at this event. I love being able to share information with the students at my Alma Mater and to give back some of the wonderful folks at the University of Miami.

UM Toppel Center RepresentativesI worked with Maria Tomaino, Associate Director Events & Marketing within the Toppel Career Center, to ensure that the material I was sharing met the goals of the center. She was very professional and so energetic and I was impressed by her diligence in getting everything organized in order to produce a high quality experience for the participants. At the event, Maria was on hand to welcome me and provided me with the information and the equipment I needed to present to the attendees. She was such a great support to me.

Students, Alumns and Target RepresentativesThe presentation went well. There were over 150 people in attendance. The students and alumni had fun performing the networking exercises as well as the demo job interview session. Many of them approached me after the event to thank me for giving them new ideas about successful networking and how to conduct themselves in a job interview. I was very impressed by the entire occasion, Maria and her team as well as the enthusiasm of the students/alums. I walked away feeling more blessed by them and their positive attitude for the future.  Kudos to the Toppel Center team for hosting another wonderful career affair.

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“Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day.” ~ Dalai Lama

I posted this quote yesterday on my Facebook Fan page followed by my own interpretation: “If it’s not meaningful, why bother? Life is meant to be meaningful; if you choose to make it that.”

Dr. Larry Benovitz, author of There is no Redo: Strategies for a Lifetime, and fellow Toastmaster jokingly posted: “What do you mean?”  My snarky reply was: “Larry if you don’t know, I can’t help you.”

Yet, there is help; it originates from within. We oftentimes seek to find meaning in our lives vie external resources or people. Usually, this does not fill that empty feeling you get that something is missing; the void remains. It is best to pause and examine what we are doing and with whom we are doing it. How do they impact our lives?

Are we doing things that keep us busy, but when we are done doing them, we still don’t have that feeling of accomplishment? Are we hanging or working with people that don’t enrich our lives or help us accomplish our goals? In my opinion, if the answer is “yes” to any of these, then it is time to change direction. Living a life that makes us feel as though we have a purpose to accomplish, doing what it takes to get it done with people that share that pursuit is enriching.  “…a new day arrives,” my friends, make it “…a meaningful day.”

Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!

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“Invest in the human soul. Who knows it may be a diamond in the rough.”

Mary McLeod Bethune

Using your skills to help others grow and increase their self-worth increases your value to them. They will know that you care about them and their success and your carat value will become larger in their mind. Increasing your diamond carat value means applying all your skills and knowledge in a purposeful way.

Enjoy “Shine Bright Like a Diamond” by Rihanna: [youtube=]

Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!

Please click to like my fan page: MarleneMBryanLLC.

Please visit website learn more about living a life of a Diamond Life: 

Sarah Noel Graduation

Throughout the years, I have had the benefit of having great mentors in my life. This made it easy for me to decide that I want to become a mentor to others. One of the organizations of which I am a member and act as a mentor, is the ITWomen organization. This group raises scholarship funds for young women pursuing careers in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) arena; provide networking opportunity for women in technology; and also mentors young women (and some men) in these areas.

At one of the schools that I visited to share the ins and outs of college life with the students, I met Sarah Noel. The first time I saw her, she had a copy of Les Miserable in her hand. I asked her if she had to read it for a class. She replied “No. I wanted to read it for myself. I like to read.” I immediately told her that I know she will be a great leader one day…great leaders like to read as well. That was over two years ago. Sarah and I have kept in contact with each other due to our kindred spirits in seeking to help others.

This past week she shared the picture of her in her cap and gown as she prepares to graduate from high school and continue her education at undergraduate level. The joy that I feel in seeing her picture gives me such hope for her future success. The amazing thing about my interaction with Sarah is that as I encouraged, mentored and shared with her my experiences; Sarah was opening my eyes to the wonders of believing and pursuing one’s dreams.

As adults sometimes the busyness of life causes us to push aside our dreams and aspirations. Mentoring Sarah and others like her helps me to keep my focus on my dreams. Thank you Sarah for giving me the opportunity to serve you and in the process develop myself as well. I know you are focused on living a Diamond Life, a Life of Purpose!

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My son is getting ready to complete his undergraduate studies in May 2013. As I was cleaning his room at home (not much cleaning since he lives away), I came across some of his trophies and awards he won for his acting, singing, etc. Remembering how I felt when I was about to graduate from my undergraduate program, I knew that he must be a bit nervous about what is to come in his life after his graduation. I took a picture of two of his trophies and sent it to him with a message of encouragement.  I wanted him to remember what he has already accomplished and that he has it in him to do even more.

Sometimes, as we go through life and face new challenges or enter an area outside our comfort zone, we become nervous and oftentimes start doubting our abilities to achieve the goal(s) before us. If you feel that way, stop and recall all that you have achieved and use it to propel you towards undertaking and accomplishing more. You did it before and you can do it again!

Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!

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