
“Pay now play later versus play now pay later.” I’m not sure from whom I learned this phrase when I was a teenager. But the impact of this statement has stuck with me throughout most of my private and professional life. I shared it with my son, nieces and nephews to teach them the importance of its meaning.

For example: if one takes care of getting a task done prior to engaging in entertaining activities, it frees the mind and body to really enjoy oneself. But if you play first, the task that hasn’t been accomplish could weigh on ones mind. Thus taking away from the full enjoyment of playing.

In the case of the kids, I advice them to get their homework done first. Then they can have all the playtime they wanted. This is the same for us as adults. We may put off paying for something until later. Over time, the cost for that thing may increase beyond our means later than if we had just paid it in the first place. By all means, if you have the time or the funds pay now. Odds are you would enjoy better playtime later.

Get your autographed copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

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Timeless Tuesday - Live in the Now.001

True success comes from living in the present, the Here and Now! Your Diamond Life, Your Life of Purpose is Here and Now! Live it on Timeless Tuesday!

Get your autographed copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

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Defeating the Enemy Within
Defeating the Enemy Within

“There are no contests in the Art of Peace. A true warrior is invincible because he or she contests with nothing. Defeat means to defeat the mind of contention that we harbor within.” ~ Morihei Ueshiba

The enemy within is far stronger than the one without. We are the ones that sometimes get in our own way. Our self-doubts, fears, self-hatred or beliefs that we are not worthy, hold us back. This may be exhibited by self-destructive behaviors such as persistently being late to work, instigating conflict to destroy our relationships, or procrastinating on implementing the plans for our dreams.

Recognizing and acknowledging these behaviors are the first steps in defeating the enemy within. Practice the discipling of loving ourselves, setting goals and seeing them through one at a time. These are more steps we can take to quite the internal war inside of us. I like to set 21-day challenges for myself in eradicating a bad habits by replacing them with good ones. At the end of the 21 days, I feel more invincible.

Find the self-discipline habit that will help you defeat your enemy within. This is a great day to start. Live Your Diamond Life on Invincible Monday and find your Purpose!

Get your autographed copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

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Polish up your act on Fun Facet Friday. Get Movin’ and don’t let the people with their negative vibes keep you back! Move them out your way.

I’m Groovin’! Are you? Go! Go! Go!

Live a Diamond Life. Live YOUR Life of PURPOSE!!!


“You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read.” ~ James Baldwin

You may feel that no one understands what you are going through. Acknowledge how you feel.  Yet, know you are alone. Someone has experienced your situation. Reach out to others. Share your experience. You may discover the treasure of a mentor that has gone through it, survived it and has grown stronger despite it.

Remember You Are Not Alone on Treasures Thursday!

Keep Living a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose!