
John Maxwell recently stated that we cannot motivate someone. Motivation comes from within oneself. What we can do is inspire others to do something or to follow our lead. I agree with his assessment. If someone doesn’t have the drive or the will do accomplish something, you cannot push him or her to do it. He/she has to see the value and benefit of accomplishing the task.

Our job as leaders is to understand that person; then, find the words and/or actions to demonstrate the value and benefit to him/her. But it starts with our own motivation. To motivate myself to complete my morning exercises, I look to nature to inspire me. Being able to see the sunrise in the morning and watching the seagulls soar gives me great pleasure. I use this as a reward for getting up at 5:30 a.m. and pushing myself to get started.

I like to take pictures of my morning scenes and to share them with others. I am pleasantly surprised to find that they are also inspired by these pictures. They tell me that they use these images to start their own fitness journeys.  Nature provides so many wonderful things for us to find inspiration in our leadership walk. Enjoy the photos below. How about you? What do you use as a source of inspiration for starting your day?

Live a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose!


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Quit Holding Back

Recently a young lady shared with me that she knows that her purpose is to help others learn about his/her purpose. I asked her what is her next move. She said she wasn’t sure. She is holding herself back because of her doubts. This probably sounds familiar to some of you reading this, like it did for me.

Self-doubt can block us from moving forward. We doubt whether we have what it takes. We doubt if we are worthy of our calling. We doubt what people will think about us. We doubt our success. Yes, the doubts and what-ifs that we build up in our minds can paralyze us.

Well! Quit it! Quit holding back! Quit preventing people from being blessed by your talents, gifts and guidance. Imagine if someone like Steve Jobs had quit, because he thought that the iPhone wasn’t possible. What if March Zuckerberg didn’t develop Facebook, because he was worried what others thought of him and his idea? Leaders have doubts and doubters around them, but strong leaders move ahead despite their doubts and doubters.

Quit holding back from living your purpose. I am. I invite you to do so also.

Until next time, keep Living a Diamond Life, Living a Life of Purpose!

Visit to learn more about Living a Diamond Life.

torch by

“Those that don’t got it, can’t show it. Those that got it, can’t hide it.”  ~ Zora Neale Hurston

Do you have a talent/gift that you are holding back due to your concern about what others may think of you? Release it. When we utilize our gifts and talents in service of others, we not only bless them but we also bless ourselves.  Your gift/talent may shine a light into the darkness of someone’s despair. Don’t it hide it. Let it Shine. 

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Think Like a Champ Origion Photo by: CBS Sports
Think Like a Champ
Original Photo by: CBS Sports modified with text.

Why not you?” “Why not us?” “We play like champs everyday.” These are three things that Seattle Seahawks’ young quarterback, Russell Wilson, said on Sunday as some of the reason for the team winning the Super Bowl.  These are simple statements with powerful impacts.

1)   “Why not you?” This is what Russell’s father asked him when Russell doubted whether he would be able to enter the NFL at 5’11.” Russell’s dad saw his son’s potential and planted the seed that erased his doubts. Most importantly Russell believe what his dad said about him and acted upon it. He changed his way of thinking. He made it to the NFL and as starting quarterback. Ask yourself “Why not me?” when you have doubts about your abilities to achieve a goal or dream.

2)   “Why not us?” Russell, being one of the leaders of his team, used the lesson he learned from his dad and taught it to his teammates. He challenged them to see themselves as champions, even when others doubted that they could or would be. His teammates changed their way of thinking about themselves. They started seeing themselves as champions. How do your thoughts and beliefs affect others around you? To become a champion, you have to be able to positively impact the folks around you. You have to infect them with your championship thoughts!

3)   “We play like champs everyday.” This is the championship thought in action. When you accept that you are a champion, when you infect others around you with championship thoughts, then you must play like a champion in order to win and win big! Seattle Seahawks won the Super Bowl in a dominant fashion. They won BIG!! 

Proverb 4:23 GNT ~ “Be careful what you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.”

Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose! Bless someone by sharing this article or share your thoughts by leaving a comment. Click the follow button to follow this blog.

Click to Book Marlene M. Bryan as a Keynote speaker for your next event.

Click to like my Facebook Page. Follow me on twitter @MarleneMBryan.

IMG_20140127_071115Are you feeling that no matter what you do, you are running into obstacles? You try one thing and another and they aren’t working? Are you struggling with a big decision you have to make? Or perhaps you are in a situation that doesn’t feel right? JUST GIVE IT TIME! 

In the past and even today, this has worked out for me. Keep fighting. You are not alone. Keeping pushing. P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens! When we are in the midst of the storm, it is hard to see the beautiful rainbow and sunlight ahead.  JUST GIVE IT TIME! 

I found this wonderful video that says much more than I can about Give it time! Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!