Clouds gathering

Swirling in the whirlpool

Of my thoughts

Doubt creeping in

Like the Grim Ripper

To kill my dreams


Then I recall

Who I am

And Whose I am

I belong to

The Great I AM


Hope rises

Like the Dawning

Of a New Day

Happy Sunlight

Fills my Soul




Marlene M. Bryan


Live a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose!

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I came across one of my poems I wrote when I was a wee lass! Reading it now makes me laugh to think that at that age I thought I was at the stage we call “middle-age!” When we are young, the thirties and forties seem so far away and so old. Now forty is the new thirty. I am so glad my perspective has changed regarding age and what it truly means to live life. Here is my immature mind at work below:



In my Spring everything was fresh and new,

Like budding of May flowers,

So innocent and true.

All were young and carefree,

So easy like climbing a tree.

Laughter, some tears, but not for long.

Quickly forgotten, never meant to be.

Now I’m nearing the end of my Summer.

A Summer so hot like the

hottest day in August.

Coming to a boil; awakening as if it must.

Filled with passion, pain and lust;

The joy of love and the heartache

for the lack there of.

All experienced with few regrets!

And so I approach the beginning

of my Autumn; the changing of leaves.

Hoping that stability I’ll find there.

So I choose to believe.

      Written by

      Marlene M. Bryan



Live a Diamond Life! Life a Life of Purpose!

Click to like my Fan Pages: MarleneMBryanLLC and HigherRoadConsultingCorporation

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