Invincible Monday - Heart of a Champ.001

My fellow Toastmaster, Lyle, is someone with whom I enjoy speaking. At 86 years old, Lyle has experienced so much in life. He was his high school quarterback on the football team, he was a race car driver and travel all over the world. He is a true Champ. His stories are always fun and fascinating.

One day last week, Lyle told me he had some advice for me. He said: “Kiddo, I’m worried about you. I see you doing so much, maybe too much. You have the Heart of a Champ and people know this about you. When you do anything you go all the way with it. You hardly say no. This will draw others to you. But Champs are often taken advantage of. I don’t want that for you. Don’t become a floor mat. Stay a Champ. Slow down and rest.”

This wasn’t the first advice Lyle has shared with me. But it is one to which I’m paying attention. I’m working to implement this. Lyle advice is not only for me, it is for all of you also. As you push to live your Diamond Life, Your Life of Purpose, folks may want to add other tasks to your list. Don’t take them on if they don’t fulfill your purpose. They are just distractions. Remember that even Champs need rest. Take time to refuel and refresh as you work towards living your purposeful life.

Keep your Heart of a Champ strong on Invincible Monday!

Get your copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

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In life we sometimes make decisions or act in ways that we may regret later. The consequences of such decisions or actions leave us feeling guilty and disappointed with ourselves. Guess what? We, humans are prone to make mistakes. 

What is important is to learn from our mistakes and to move towards not repeating them. Take the lessons we have learned and bless others by teaching them how to avoid making those mistakes. Before we can do this, we need to learn to forgive ourselves. If we keep blaming ourselves, we may miss the lessons and the blessings that we could offer to others. Thus we may miss the opportunity to be bless ourselves also. 

Forgiveness is part of Living a Diamond Life, Living a Life of Purpose! Forgive Yourself!

Pick up a copy of the Diamond Cutters book to learn how to find your purpose.

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