Don't Sweat Small Stuff

My son showed me a YouTube video of a woman being interviewed by a news reporter about surviving a house fire. The woman was very animated in her recounting of the event. She told the reporter that she had to put clothes on before getting out of the house. During the excitement of the moment, she began to experience an episode of asthma. She said she told herself: ” Ain’t nobody got time for this.” Then she rushed out to safety.

Her animated recollection of the event was amusing to me at the moment as I watched the video. As I reflected on her words, which I now say to myself often, I realize that is what I, no we, need to do. We need to recognize what is important at every given moment. We should not let the “small stuff” get in the way of accomplishing the greater things.

Sometimes, we allow small things distract us from doing the things that will make us successful in life. Or we let trivial disagreements break up or prevent us from developing relationships with others. We spend too much time stressing over things that truly don’t matter in the overall scheme of living productive and happy lives. Next time you find you are in such a situation or mindset, change it. Say to yourself: “Ain’t nobody got time for this!”

Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!

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I have a confession to make: I don’t often do what I know is right for my body! At least, that was at the beginning of 2012. It took my doctor yelling at me, literally, to get me to get serious about doing the right thing. After he told me that my test results show that I need to drop a few pounds. He reminded me that I have a history of diabetes in my family. He did not tell me how to correct the issue; he simply told me that I must do so.

Feeling surprised by his frankness and dejected about my lack of attention to my physical well being, I thought about what to do. Then, I admitted to myself that there is no magic to getting back into shape. I have to eat less and exercise more. What I was lacking was the willpower to push myself to do it. I always, put other people, such as my family, and my work before my health. Isn’t this the same for most of our situations?

We know darn well what it is we need to be successful in most areas of our lives, whether it is: saving more and spending less to have a healthy financial status; studying more to achieve a higher grade; or eating less to maintain or lose weight. We know the keys and methods to our success. We simply need to apply willpower, self-discipline, whatever you want to call it, to get us there. It isn’t an easy thing to do. If it is, many of us will not be where we are today. Sometimes, we need a little help to get us there.

After my doctor’s admonishment about my lack of respect for my body, I hired a personal trainer. Yes, I did! By making myself accountable to someone and committing to meet him at an appointed time and date, I feel obligated to be there and get the job done. Raymond Butler has been a great trainer for me. He has helped me build up my willpower to get up on the days that we are not training together to continue my healthy training and living.  Ray discusses different ways for me to exercise as well as gives me tips on food that are great for me.

I am now more toned and have more energy. I lost weight in the process and feel more positive about myself. My doctor was so pleased with my last test result, he told me to continue with whatever I’m doing! I even got an awesome report from my dentist and my hair stylist! It seems what I am doing for my body is helping my overall health.

We already know the key to our success is applying our willpower to whatever task or challenge we face. Join me in exercising your willpower muscles today!

Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!

Please click to like my fan pages: MarleneMBryanLLC and HigherRoadConsultingCorporation

Please visit our websites: and 

We can all acknowledge that life challenges can wear us down at times. We keep pushing ahead, yet it feels like we are not making any progress. We try new things and still no change in our circumstances. Then, here comes frustration, doubt and disappointment. We start to question our ability to do, to create, to realize our potential; and even doubt if we have any potential at all.

Continue reading “The Diamond on The Other Side”