Marlene M. Bryan
Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters

The phone rang. I picked it up with some annoyance that it interrupted my preparation for my next meeting. It was the security guard in the building letting me know a package is waiting for me. I rushed downstairs to get it. With nervous fingers I ripped open the package like a kid on Christmas morning. I pulled out both my first book and workbook, cradling them like newborn babes.  The guard smiled at my excitement and said “Congratulations. That is a great accomplishment.”

Hmmm. I never that of it that way: an accomplishment indeed. After two years of dilly-dallying, I have finally completed the first book in the Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose series along with the workbook. When I started speaking about living a Diamond Life, I did not envision writing a book. I learned from my audience that they wanted to read about how to Live a Diamond Life; thus, I was compelled to write about it.

I didn’t do it alone. I had many people that helped me along the way. It is so great to know that so many good folks are willing to give time, feedback and encouragement because they believe in uplifting another human being. I am humble by their love and support!

Here is the description of the book:

Have you ever felt like something was missing in your life? You have a good job, house, car –all those material things that society says should make you happy. You still feel empty and wonder – What is my purpose in life? Many people struggle with these questions. Marlene M. Bryan utilizes the Diamond as a metaphor to demonstrate how you read more…

Click on the images to purchase your copy of the book “Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters” and the workbook.

Marlene M. Bryan
Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters
Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters Workbook
Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters Workbook

Live a Diamond Life a Life of Purpose!   Follow me on twitter: @marlenembryan.

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Phyllis the Diamond


Phyllis, you will be a contestant in the club’s Table Topics Contest,” I informed her as she entered the meeting room. “Marlene, I don’t think I can do it.” She replied. Knowing that she doubts her ability I insisted, “Yes. You can. I know you can. You have what it takes.” She smiled and said, “If you think I can do, then I will do it.”

Phyllis has the ability to speak, but she is fighting years of being told that she doesn’t have the potential to do anything well. Yet, each time she is given a gentle nudge to speak, she does it and better than she thought she could. I saw the opportunity to give her more self-confidence through the experience of competing in the club’s contest.  Phyllis not only entered the contest, she won first place.

She went on to represent the club in the Toastmasters District 47 Area 12 Table Topics Contest. Watching Phyllis using the tips (body language, vocal variety, eye contact) that we gave her along with her smile was a proud moment for me.  Knowing how much she doubts her ability and to see her take on the challenge of speaking in front of a room full of people is special to me. Phyllis won the second place award!

We hugged afterwards and she said, “Marlene, I want you to continue to coach me. I want to be just like you.” I told her, “No, Phyllis. I don’t want you to be just like me. I want you to be the best Phyllis you can be, the Diamond that I know you are.” She smiled broadly as though a light bulb went on above her head. She excitedly repeated, “I will be the best I can be.” Phyllis is on her way…shining bright like a Diamond.  Are you on your way?

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Think Like a Champ Origion Photo by: CBS Sports
Think Like a Champ
Original Photo by: CBS Sports modified with text.

Why not you?” “Why not us?” “We play like champs everyday.” These are three things that Seattle Seahawks’ young quarterback, Russell Wilson, said on Sunday as some of the reason for the team winning the Super Bowl.  These are simple statements with powerful impacts.

1)   “Why not you?” This is what Russell’s father asked him when Russell doubted whether he would be able to enter the NFL at 5’11.” Russell’s dad saw his son’s potential and planted the seed that erased his doubts. Most importantly Russell believe what his dad said about him and acted upon it. He changed his way of thinking. He made it to the NFL and as starting quarterback. Ask yourself “Why not me?” when you have doubts about your abilities to achieve a goal or dream.

2)   “Why not us?” Russell, being one of the leaders of his team, used the lesson he learned from his dad and taught it to his teammates. He challenged them to see themselves as champions, even when others doubted that they could or would be. His teammates changed their way of thinking about themselves. They started seeing themselves as champions. How do your thoughts and beliefs affect others around you? To become a champion, you have to be able to positively impact the folks around you. You have to infect them with your championship thoughts!

3)   “We play like champs everyday.” This is the championship thought in action. When you accept that you are a champion, when you infect others around you with championship thoughts, then you must play like a champion in order to win and win big! Seattle Seahawks won the Super Bowl in a dominant fashion. They won BIG!! 

Proverb 4:23 GNT ~ “Be careful what you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.”

Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose! Bless someone by sharing this article or share your thoughts by leaving a comment. Click the follow button to follow this blog.

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IMG_20140127_071115Are you feeling that no matter what you do, you are running into obstacles? You try one thing and another and they aren’t working? Are you struggling with a big decision you have to make? Or perhaps you are in a situation that doesn’t feel right? JUST GIVE IT TIME! 

In the past and even today, this has worked out for me. Keep fighting. You are not alone. Keeping pushing. P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens! When we are in the midst of the storm, it is hard to see the beautiful rainbow and sunlight ahead.  JUST GIVE IT TIME! 

I found this wonderful video that says much more than I can about Give it time! Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose! 

Make Your Circumstances

“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

You have decided to pursue what you know to be your purpose in life, but the path to that purpose isn’t quite clear. You encounter obstacles or you have not come across favorable circumstances that will result in you achieving that purpose, that dream. As George Bernard Shaw stated in the previous quote, make them.  Make your circumstances!

This means you have to be courageous and have a strong belief in yourself and your dreams. You must think of the ways you can connect to the people, places and things that will create those favorable circumstances.  Ask yourself: 1) What actions do I have to take?  2) With whom do I have meet/talk? 3) Where do I have to go to be in the right place? Notice that “make” is a verb, an action word. Successful people often have to make the circumstances they need to fulfill their dreams.                                                         Make your circumstances! 

Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!

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