Diamond Nugget: “In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” ~ Albert Camus
There will be periods of harshness in most of our lives, similar to the coldest of wintery days. The difficulties of life snatch our warm breath of joy, pelting us with icicles of pain, doubt and despair. It is at times like these that we ought to:
Follow Albert Camus’ example and draw on the invincible summer of hope, determination and belief residing deep within us
Find that true purpose that will gives us the strength to press through our troubles
Connect with mentors who will show us ways to get beyond certain obstacles that we may not know how to overcome
It is in recalling the passionate, sparkling seasons of our lives that we may see beyond the lackluster travails we encounter….finding our invincible summer in winter.
Teachers play an important part in our lives. They open doors to different worlds for us. They help to shape our critical thinking process. Great teachers ignite the fire to find out more about the world within and outside of us. Some of my best educators have been my main Diamond Cutters. This poem is dedicated to my Educational Diamond Cutters:
You Taught Me
Love of words
Wonderful words
You taught me
Descriptive words
When strung together
Brought me
To places sublime
Through space and time
Love of mathematical
And scientific formulas
You fed me
With algebraic
And chemical formulas
You led me
To masters of old
Through equations unfold
Crave of histories
Global stories
You educated me
Of war and peace
My knowledge increased
You cultivated me
About people, places
Eras and races
Share of knowledge,
Nurturing knowledge
You molded me
Unlocking my illiterate mind
From thoughts that bind
You stimulated me
To think and explore
Worlds beyond my door
Marlene M. Bryan
Happy Teachers Day to all our Teachers, Professors and Educators! Thank you for helping us Live Diamond Lives!
In his sermon on January 12, 2014, Pastor Wayne Lomax, spoke about having a Vision that is a B.U.S. This acronym translates into:
Big – put more people on it.
Unique – what God has ordained for you.
Significant– impact others.
Needless to say, the response from the congregants was very positive to his message. It was an encouraging one to help us unlock the limitations we put on our dreams. Pastor Lomax words were right on-time for me. I was able to use it as a reminder as I completed the editing and publishing of my first book to share my vision of Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose with others.
I am sharing Pastor Lomax’s message with you in hopes that it will help you press towards making your vision a B.U.S. in order that you may bless others!
This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of exhibiting and selling my books at the Jamaican Women of Florida Reggae/Jazz Brunch. It was exciting meeting and sharing my message to the attendees. As I shared with them that the one thing my father regretted on his death bed was not living his true calling to be an artists, I am humbled by the responses and reactions most of them had to it.
I explained that my father’s dying regret pushed me to share with others that they ought to Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose.By living out one’s calling, you are blessing others and yourself. A few of the listeners had tears in their eyes as I handed them the crystal Diamondthat symbolizes that each one of us is precious and is created for a purpose. The smiles on their faces and the sincere thanks they offered filled me with joy.
One of my buyers told me that he was an attorney and he was very miserable because that was not what he truly wanted to be. He told me he was dying each day he entered a courtroom or reviewed a case. Finally, he decided that he would pursue living his purpose of being an artist! He was so excited that he brought his sister and her friend over to meet me. He wanted to share my message with them.
Another listener was a doctor who treated many patients including those with HIV and AIDs. While it was a meaningful cause, it was not her purpose. She said that her parents and others thought she was crazy for leaving her practice to start her own Holistic business. She said that now she is the happiest she has ever been.
My friends, until you recognize and live in the area of your purpose, you may find that you have an empty spot inside that longs to be filled. If and when you discover what your place of purposeful living is, you may find that others may think you are insane. You may think you are insane. I encourage you to explore it and have the courage to live that purpose. It will not be easy at times, most worthwhile things aren’t. Yet, I truly believe that you will find joy when you see the impact you have on others around you. This is because your Diamond Potentialwill shine through to them.
This event gave me the strength to continue in my purposeful walk to awaken others to Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose! Feel free to share this article with others that need to be encouraged to seek their purpose in life. Remind them: “It’s Not Too Late – Start from Here!”
“Me! Me! Me!” I looked across the room and little hands were waving in the air. The little princesses screamed for me to pick them to serve as my assistants in the workshop. Their lack of fear about what others may say or think was wonderful to see. It filled me with such hope for them and for myself.
For the past six months I have been hanging out with some Fierce Folks. They range in age from four to seventeen. Whether in my workshops or in the Gavel Club meetings (Toastmasters Club for those under the age of 18 or unable to sign an agreement with the organization), I find that these Fierce Folks are so eager to perform different roles and tasks without inhibitions. They are not worried whether they will do it wrong or right. They are willing to get up and perform the job or task. They are less concerned about what others think about the way they are doing the task. They are more focused on just doing and being!
This is a stark difference than when I am conducting workshops for adults. Most often when I call for a volunteer, maybe one or two hands will go up. Adults are more self-conscious of others opinions of their performance, appearance, etc. They seem intimidated to venture out and try new things. I ask myself when did we lose our Fierceness? When did we lose viewing the world through our inner child’s eyes?
Now that I’m hanging with these Fierce Folks I am beginning to regain my inner child’s eyes…my Fierceness! A friend of mine recently suggested that I launch my book in a non-traditional way. Instead of launching the book at a bookstore, why not launch it at a jewelry store. My book’s title is Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters.
At first I thought: “What jeweler is going to allow me to launch my book in his/her store?” Then, I allowed my Fierceness to kick it. I researched stores in my area and found one. I picked up the phone and pitched my idea to the store manager. She called me back the next day and said the owner wants to meet with me. I met with him and learned he was a Diamond Cutter in New York in an area that I covered when I was in sales. End result: I will be launching my book on Sat. May 3, 2014 3-5 p.m. at Jewelry Depot, Inc. in Oakwood Plaza, 2910 Oakwood Blvd, Hollywood, FL 33020. Come out and celebrate with me!
Embrace your inner child. Embrace your Fierceness! Start by hanging with the Fierce Folks! Share your Fierce story with us! Share this story with a friend or family member who needs to get his/her Fierceness back! Live a Diamond Life!
Can’t make the launch? You can order a copy on line by clicking Diamond Cutters Book.
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