Double Rainbow_MG_3431

My girlfriend told me that she went out to water her yard to water the grass. As she turned on the faucet, she looked up to see a beautiful rainbow. She was so happy to see it that it made her smile. She marveled how beautiful God is, as she offered up her thanks to Him for His gift of the rainbow.

You can find God’s treasurers all around you, especially right in your backyard!

Keep Living a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose on Treasures Thursday.

Get your autographed copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

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Lose the Weight
Too Much Weight?

“Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.” ~ Will Smith

Do as Will Smith advises…Hand it over. It is not worth the stress or strife to hold onto anger, hatred, bitterness and jealously. That is a lot of weight to carry around. Leave it to God. Concentrate on the things that moves you in a positive direction towards Living a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose!

Get your autographed copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

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Remember when you were young and knew you were invincible? When you knew you could climb walls, trees and conquer the world? Or the day you graduated from high school, college, etc. and you were going to achieve all those wonderful dreams? Then life crept in with all its limitations, obstacles and doubts to box you into fear of losing, failing, and crossing the line?

Well it’s time to reclaim those childhood fortitude again! Recently, I visited Jamaica (land of my birth) and went swimming in one of its beautiful rivers, White River. Some of the folks I went with challenged me to jump off the side of the river from a rope into the water. I was terrified, but the 12-year-old boy, Junior, that was with us encouraged me. He said “Miss, you can do it. Jump!” We agreed to encourage each other…he was scared also, but he was willing to try.

Drawing on my inner child, I took hold of the rope, sent up a prayer and jumped. To my great surprise and pleasure, I thoroughly enjoyed the jump. I enjoyed it so much that I jumped a few more times. Junior accompanied me and we screamed with excitement. Sometimes it takes a child to remind you that you can do it. Junior certainly reminded me of this. We should believe in our abilities to accomplish the goals we desire to reach; just like children do.

What are you afraid of doing? What dreams did you lay aside, thinking you don’t have the ability to do it? Have a talk with your inner child, pray and JUMP! Keep Living a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose on Invincible Monday.

Get your autographed copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

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You are Royal.001

Sometimes we are our hardest critic. We find fault in our bodies, our financial positions, our social status, our educational levels, etc. “What you think you are you become” seems to be a statement that is so cliche. Yet, it is true. Give yourself a break. You are wonderfully and fearfully made!!! Today spend time appreciating the talents that you have. Reflect on things others admire about you: perhaps the way you look, speak, smile, cook, dance, your business acumen…There is something that you can find good within you, or about you, that you can admire. Take stock of yourself, not in a conceited way, but in a way of appreciation! Appreciate you for you. Don’t wait on others to do it for you. Love yourself.

Today see yourself as being Royal! You ARE Royal!

Here is one of my favorite pick-me up songs: She’s Royal by Tarrus Riley.

Happy Fun Facet Friday! Keep Living a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose!

Get your autographed copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters at “A Day with the Authors Event” Saturday, Sept. 13, 2014 (10:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.) at the African American Research Library and Cultural Center. 

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“A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.” ~ Ayn Rand

Do you suffer from the “Crab” syndrome? If you watch crabs in a basket, you may observe that when one tries to climb out the basket to freedom, the others are pulling it down. Many people have this crab mentality. Instead of being happy for others successes, they criticize them or try to tear them down.

What they don’t realize is, the more you celebrate others wins and achievements, the more you are likely to be motivated to achieve yours! Hanging out with losers, crabs, will claw away at your self-confidence and drain your energy. Get Rid of the Crabs in Your Life! Surround yourself with winners who are quick to celebrate your success!

Keep Living a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose!

Get your autographed copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters at “A Day with the Authors Event” Saturday, Sept. 13, 2014 (10:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.) at the African American Research Library and Cultural Center. 

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