I do the very best I know how – the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end. ~ Abraham Lincoln
Commit to doing your best each time you dedicate yourself to accomplishing a goal. You may not be the top performer in the group, but doing your best will get you noticed. When I was promoted to the manager of my peers, I was not the most technical person. Yet, the director of my group told me that he saw that I always did the best I could, gave it my all and got the job done. He said this was one of the leading factor in offering me the position.
Do you best because you know it is the right thing to do. It gives you a feeling of satisfaction and pride in what you do. Do your best, not because you think someone is watching; however, know that your actions are observed by others. You never know, you may reap an unexpected reward..Excellence!
Read more of this story. Pick up a copy of the Diamond Cutters book to learn how to find your purpose.
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