There are times when we need to be replenished, refreshed and refined in order to shine brightly. Constantly running and trying to keep up with a busy schedule may dull our senses. It also can decrease our capacity to think and react clearly in certain situations. Here are five tips that I follow to get my sparkle back:
1. Relax – After delivering an hour-long keynote speech or conducting workshops, I find that my energy level is lower than before. This is because I transfer some of my energy to my audience. Generally, I seek out a quite place to relax my mind and body after these events. This prepares me to give even more. Make sure you take the time to relax. Whether it is through meditation, naps or just sitting still, relaxation will help add to your light.
2. Refresh – When I’m stuck on an idea or not motivated to complete a project, I may read a book, magazine, or watch an inspirational video on YouTube. It is amazing how this sparks ones imagination and gets the creative electrons flowing in ones mind.
3. Refine – It is easy to fall into bad habits. At least this is what I find happens to me. I tend to lose my luster when I don’t practice my speaking, listening or writing skills. Going to my Toastmasters meeting, delivery impromptu speeches and writing my blogs help keep me focus on refining these skills. Allow yourself time for the refinement of your skills or ideas.
One of my favorite pastimes is sitting on my mom’s porch and listening to the sounds of her garden. I can hear the tinkling of the chimes as the gentle wind blows. I hear the flow of the fishpond, the chirps, the creaks, and the peeps of the birds and insects. I give myself the permission to relax and let my imagination wonder. Then I reflect on events, ideas and advices from different angles. This helps to refresh and refine my plans.
These are simple tips that can be very effective in letting your light shine even brighter! Namaste.
Pick up a a copy of my book Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters on your journey to living life on Purpose!