
“Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day.” ~ Dalai Lama

I posted this quote yesterday on my Facebook Fan page followed by my own interpretation: “If it’s not meaningful, why bother? Life is meant to be meaningful; if you choose to make it that.”

Dr. Larry Benovitz, author of There is no Redo: Strategies for a Lifetime, and fellow Toastmaster jokingly posted: “What do you mean?”  My snarky reply was: “Larry if you don’t know, I can’t help you.”

Yet, there is help; it originates from within. We oftentimes seek to find meaning in our lives vie external resources or people. Usually, this does not fill that empty feeling you get that something is missing; the void remains. It is best to pause and examine what we are doing and with whom we are doing it. How do they impact our lives?

Are we doing things that keep us busy, but when we are done doing them, we still don’t have that feeling of accomplishment? Are we hanging or working with people that don’t enrich our lives or help us accomplish our goals? In my opinion, if the answer is “yes” to any of these, then it is time to change direction. Living a life that makes us feel as though we have a purpose to accomplish, doing what it takes to get it done with people that share that pursuit is enriching.  “…a new day arrives,” my friends, make it “…a meaningful day.”

Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!

Please click to like my fan page: MarleneMBryanLLC 

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Sarah Noel Graduation

Throughout the years, I have had the benefit of having great mentors in my life. This made it easy for me to decide that I want to become a mentor to others. One of the organizations of which I am a member and act as a mentor, is the ITWomen organization. This group raises scholarship funds for young women pursuing careers in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) arena; provide networking opportunity for women in technology; and also mentors young women (and some men) in these areas.

At one of the schools that I visited to share the ins and outs of college life with the students, I met Sarah Noel. The first time I saw her, she had a copy of Les Miserable in her hand. I asked her if she had to read it for a class. She replied “No. I wanted to read it for myself. I like to read.” I immediately told her that I know she will be a great leader one day…great leaders like to read as well. That was over two years ago. Sarah and I have kept in contact with each other due to our kindred spirits in seeking to help others.

This past week she shared the picture of her in her cap and gown as she prepares to graduate from high school and continue her education at undergraduate level. The joy that I feel in seeing her picture gives me such hope for her future success. The amazing thing about my interaction with Sarah is that as I encouraged, mentored and shared with her my experiences; Sarah was opening my eyes to the wonders of believing and pursuing one’s dreams.

As adults sometimes the busyness of life causes us to push aside our dreams and aspirations. Mentoring Sarah and others like her helps me to keep my focus on my dreams. Thank you Sarah for giving me the opportunity to serve you and in the process develop myself as well. I know you are focused on living a Diamond Life, a Life of Purpose!

Please click to like my fan page: MarleneMBryanLLC.

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I have a confession to make: I don’t often do what I know is right for my body! At least, that was at the beginning of 2012. It took my doctor yelling at me, literally, to get me to get serious about doing the right thing. After he told me that my test results show that I need to drop a few pounds. He reminded me that I have a history of diabetes in my family. He did not tell me how to correct the issue; he simply told me that I must do so.

Feeling surprised by his frankness and dejected about my lack of attention to my physical well being, I thought about what to do. Then, I admitted to myself that there is no magic to getting back into shape. I have to eat less and exercise more. What I was lacking was the willpower to push myself to do it. I always, put other people, such as my family, and my work before my health. Isn’t this the same for most of our situations?

We know darn well what it is we need to be successful in most areas of our lives, whether it is: saving more and spending less to have a healthy financial status; studying more to achieve a higher grade; or eating less to maintain or lose weight. We know the keys and methods to our success. We simply need to apply willpower, self-discipline, whatever you want to call it, to get us there. It isn’t an easy thing to do. If it is, many of us will not be where we are today. Sometimes, we need a little help to get us there.

After my doctor’s admonishment about my lack of respect for my body, I hired a personal trainer. Yes, I did! By making myself accountable to someone and committing to meet him at an appointed time and date, I feel obligated to be there and get the job done. Raymond Butler has been a great trainer for me. He has helped me build up my willpower to get up on the days that we are not training together to continue my healthy training and living.  Ray discusses different ways for me to exercise as well as gives me tips on food that are great for me.

I am now more toned and have more energy. I lost weight in the process and feel more positive about myself. My doctor was so pleased with my last test result, he told me to continue with whatever I’m doing! I even got an awesome report from my dentist and my hair stylist! It seems what I am doing for my body is helping my overall health.

We already know the key to our success is applying our willpower to whatever task or challenge we face. Join me in exercising your willpower muscles today!

Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!

Please click to like my fan pages: MarleneMBryanLLC and HigherRoadConsultingCorporation

Please visit our websites: and 

Bougainvillea, start to my Gem Day!
Bougainvillea, start to my Gem Day!

During her presentation to the Toastmasters Officers in Broward County, Conni Gordon said that we should open each day like it is a gem. What a great advice and reminder to us all. This morning I remember this and instantly felt happier and more determined to make it the best day possible. It was a little later than I normally head outside for my morning walk/run and cloudy.

Conni’s words propelled me forward in my resolve to still go out for my exercise. I quickly go in my outfit and rushed out the door. I was greeted by a cool breeze and overcast skies. As I got along the bay I saw a seagull dive into the water and up again to alit onto a peering. It was so magnificent to see. That gull is certainly making the best of the day, I thought. I encountered a woman walking her two dogs and we exchanged the usual morning pleasantries. She stated that the rain seems to be only over us and nowhere else. I told her listening to Neil Diamond on my iPod made it a better day. She agreed.

I headed off down the road and came across some lovely bushes of Bougainvillea. I stopped and picked a few. I hope you enjoy the picture of them inserted for you viewing pleasure. As I continued on my path, so many ideas for new blog articles came to mind. I also reviewed my upcoming day’s conference calls, business follow up meetings, etc. that I had planned.

By the time I rounded the halfway point of my journey, the rain became heavier, my alarm went off on my phone reminding me of my morning-prayer call with my girlfriend. We pray each weekday morning for the success of our businesses and encourage each other. I got on the call, my girlfriend prayed as I got back to my complex. By then, I felt exhilarated.

Wow! What a great way to start a “gem” of a day. In my case, it will be a Diamond Day!

Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!

Please click to like my fan pages: MarleneMBryanLLC and HigherRoadConsultingCorporation

Please visit our websites: and 

Christopher Columbus…picture from

There are some controversies around Christopher Columbus Day in the USA, today. Many people dispute the idea that Christopher Columbus “discovered” America. Some say that it was not lost in the first place and in fact he was lost. Whether you are agree are not, is not my purpose here in this article. I want to examine the fact that Columbus chose to make the journey in the first place.

Imagine that he had to convince a foreign monarch, in today’s term: a venture capitalist, to fund his trip around the world based upon a hunch that he could reach the East Indies by going the opposite route from the way others had taken in the past. Not only did he convince this monarch, he convinced others to get on ships and leave their families to make this voyage with him. I am sure leading up to the very day that he set sail; Christopher Columbus faced a lot of naysayers who told him that he would fail. They probably told him he was an idiot and would probably die out at sea.

Although, Columbus’ theory was flawed and his voyage took him to the Americas instead of the East Indies, his courage to take a different route and try something new is to be admired. His miscalculated trip brought new opportunities for him, his crew and his sponsor. How many of us allow others to kill our dreams or our desire to start a new business venture? How many are too afraid of failure and never take the first step to attempt living for your purpose?

The next time someone tells you that you can’t make it happen, you will fail, or your idea is convoluted, take a look at those people in history that dared to go against the masses and achieved great things. Find the courage of Columbus, block out the negativity and focus on accomplishing your dreams.

Keep Living A Diamond Life! A Life of Purpose!

Please Click to Like My Facebook Page: MarleneMBryanLLC