Tag: courage
“New Year, New You,” exclaimed Maria as we both walked through the parking lot to our cars. I had shared with her that we needed to come up with a theme for the Toastmasters Leadership Institute. Every six months, Toastmasters International mandates that at least four of the seven club officers in each club (over 14,000 clubs world wide) in the organization should receive leadership training. This training is called Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI). It is not an easy task to pull together a training session for the amount of people that required training. We wanted a theme that would attract folks to sign up for the event.
As the Division Governor of Division A, one of my duties is to ensure that the officers receive this training. Currently, there are over twenty clubs in the division and this equate to a minimum of eighty officers. I enlisted Maria’s assistant in coaching our newly appointed TLI chair, Carmen, with organizing the event. Maria had previously done this and I thought it would be great to have her share her knowledge with Carmen. It was a way to help Carmen develop her leadership skills while helping Maria develop her coaching skills. I am happy to say, “Mission accomplished. “
These two women collaborated with each other on the theme; they came up with great ideas for memorbilia for the attendees to purchase, special raffles, and much more. They visited the venue to ensure that the facility will accommodate all the workshops, the space for the sponsors and for the food. They enlisted the aide of many people to cover registration, hospitality, facilitators, etc. During the planning stages, they conducted conference calls with the major coordinators and kept me updated with their progress. When they needed my assistance, they pulled me in to help guide them when necessary.
I learned a lot during this process as well:
The event was a great success! We had over 200 attendees. The presenters, facilitators, club officers and guests gave rave reviews of the event. My mentor, Norman, who has been a Toastmasters for twenty-seven years, came up to me and said it was one of the best TLI he has ever attended. I was beaming like a proud mom for Carmen and Maria. As I read through the evaluations of the workshops and the event, I realized that the theme was perfect. Many of the respondents stated that the presenters, the keynote speaker and the event impacted them in a positive way. They learned new things and left with great ideas for themselves and their club members. What can you do to become a New You in the New Year?
Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!
Please click to like my fan page: MarleneMBryanLLC
Please visit our website: www.marlenembryan.com
The snow was swirling around the street as I tugged on the leash to keep Ramadan from pulling. She was a mixed breed that we rescued from the animal shelter. Her black coat was covered with the snow. The temperature was in the low 30s but it felt colder because of the wind. Ramadan seemed happy to be in the snow. I wasn’t. My sister was inside the apartment nice and warm and our mother was at work. It was my turn to walk Ramadan…it was one of the worst snow storm in New York and there I was at 7 p.m. walking this dog that wouldn’t listen to me.
Suddenly, Ramadan gave a hard jerk on the leash and broke free. She saw a stray dog down the block and she ran towards it. I called out: “Ramadan, no. Come back.” I chased after them, but the snow made it difficult for me to keep up with them. They ran around the block and I lost track of them. I got so mad and I shouted: “You stupid dog. I wish a car hits you!” I decided to go back to the apartment and ask my sister to help me find her. My sister got dressed and we went out to find Ramadan. We walked around the block that I last saw her. Off in the distance we saw something moving in the road. As we got closer, I told my sister that it was the dog that Ramadan chased. It was tugging at something lying in the road.
The closer we got, the harder my heart was beating in my chest. I was praying that the thing the other dog was tugging at was not Ramadan. But it was. To my horror, Ramadan was not moving; her body was motionless on the cold street with blood coming from her mouth and the leash still tied around her neck. The other dog was trying valiantly to awaken her. It was too late. It seemed my wish had come true. A car did hit Ramadan. Guilt and sorrow immediately flooded my being as I grab my sister’s hand and started running back to the apartment. I kept repeating: “It is my fault. It is my fault,” as the tears stung my half frozen cheeks.
We rushed into the apartment and I dialed my mother’s work number. When she answered, I blurted out what happened and ask her to forgive me. She calmed me on the phone to the point where I wasn’t gasping for air between my sobs. Once I calmed down, she told me: “You must be careful what you wish for. Wishes are powerful and they do come true.” Whether you are I believe in wishes, I know that night in the late 1970’s taught me to be very mindful of the words I utter out to the Universe, especially when making a wish. Now I channel my words, desires, wishes, etc. into positive visions with positive intentions towards Living a Diamond Life. Somehow this works for me. How about you?
Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!
Please click to like my fan page: MarleneMBryanLLC
Please visit our website: www.marlenembryan.com
Yesterday, while channel surfing on the car radio, I stopped to listen to Paul Simon’s song “Slip Slidin’ Away.” I never really paid attention to the words, the hundreds of times I have heard the song. Then, I truly listened and felt the note of caution the words expressed. At least that’s how I connected with the song. The thought of life’s dreams, goals or purposes slipping and slidin’ away from us, the closer we get to them, is a scary and a real one.
So many times we allow our dreams and aspirations to get away from us. We learn to settle in jobs, routines and self-doubts, instead of implementing: persistence, being consistent in the resistance of imagined trepidations. The haunting lyrics of the song popped into my head at 5 a.m. as I woke and prepare for my morning exercise. I headed to the beach to see the beauty of the sunrise and the magnificence of the ocean waves. They reminded me of the possibility of achieving greatness, if we just decide to be consistent in our resistance of our fears and the persistence of our purpose. Stop slip slidin’ away and start believing and living your Diamond Life…your Life of Purpose!
Take a listen to the song:
Keep Living a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!
Please click to like my fan page: MarleneMBryanLLC .
Please visit our website: www.marlenembryan.com.
She waved to me across the room as she timidly entered. Her winning smile was in place as she approached me. I called her name excitedly “Phyllis” as we hugged. Phyllis is one of six hundred members of the Toastmasters in Division A, the division I oversee as the Division Governor. Phyllis came to see me at the District 47 leadership meeting in order to give me money to pay for her registration for the upcoming District Fall Conference.
I was so happy to see her because I was impressed at her resolve to ensure that she attends the conference. You see, Phyllis does not drive; neither does she have Internet access at home. Whenever, there is event in the District, Phyllis finds and gives me the money for the event. Then I get online and get her registered. Phyllis determination to attend these events always impresses me.
I think about the people who have easy access to transportation and Internet service, yet make excuses why they cannot attend these events. Phyllis sees beyond her inconvenience and recognizes the value of learning new speaking techniques and leadership skills at these conferences. She is willing to invest in her growth despite her challenges. Phyllis’ steadfastness also reminds me that you get what you put into anything you do or relationship you are a part of. She is an inspiration to me to keep doing my best for every member of Division A.
One of the definitions of resolve is “firm determination to do something.” Phyllis shows that she is determine to succeed in any condition! Thank you Phyllis for teaching me to not let any obstacle keep me from reaching my destination or living my purpose!
Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!
Please click to like my fan page MarleneMBryanLLC.
Please visit my website: www.marlenembryan.com.