Over the Holiday Season, I had the opportunity to assist the Sunday school teacher, Ms. Jeannie, at the church I attend with the children’s rehearsal for the Christmas play. She had me work with the kids that were assigned major roles in the play. I was very impressed by the children’s ability to memorize their lines in such a short timeframe. We practiced off to the side of the stage until they were called onstage to practice there.
It was interesting to see that onstage they became very shy and their voices and delivery were off-key. Ms. Jeannie stopped them in the middle of the first session and told them that what they were doing was not good enough. She proclaimed that how they practice would be the way they would perform the day of the event. She challenged them to give it their all. These words seem to hit the right note with the kids. They improved their performance in speaking their lines and using body language to match their words.
Ms. Jeannie’s proclamation struck a chord in me as well about how we approach some situations in our lives. How many times have we, you and I, simply approached a task half-heartedly when we are practicing them? On the day we have to present before our managers, customers, family, and/or audience, our performance is also half-hearted. We don’t give it our all; thus, we appear to be unprepared. We don’t shine like we ought to shine. Perhaps we may follow the advice of the old poem:
“If a task is once begun,
Never leave it till it’s done.
Be the labor great or small,
Do it well or not at all.” ~ Anonymous
I wasn’t present when the children performed the Christmas play, but I heard that it went well. The children received great accolades from their proud parents and those that attended the event. Ms. Jeannie set a high bar and the children raised theirs to meet it. We can do the same. The next time you approach a task that you really don’t enjoy, either decide not to do it and give it to someone that has the passion for it; or change your view and decide to do the best you can. You never know who might be watching you and will be impressed by your performance. You may shine bright like a
Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!
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