Start at the Top

My mom told me to “Start conserving at the top. Don’t wait until youI get to the bottom to start saving.” This is a lesson she learned from someone with whom she worked. He told her that many people start trying to save something when it is near the bottom: i.e. dish detergent, toothpaste, etc. I would also add time to this list.

These words of wisdom made a big impression on me at a young age. Whenever, I heed them, I am able to save money and time. Whenever I didn’t, I wasted both. Recently, I purchased a piece of wild-caught salmon. It was a nice cut. I didn’t immediately cook or freeze the salmon. I left it in the fridge, too busy (so I thought) to do so. A few days later it was bad. I had to throw it out. Thus, losing a great piece of salmon, money and the time I spent earning the income to purchase it.

This makes me think about the many times we maybe trying to do something right when it is too late or near the bottom. In a recent interview with CNNMoney, Carlos Slim, Forbes Magazine second richest man in the world, said that people should not wait until they are 65 years and older to start living their lives. Start living that life you always wanted today. Why wait until you get to the bottom? Save the Salmon and Save Yourself! Let’s all Start at the TOP!!!

Wise words on Wisdom Wednesday – Live a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose!

Get your copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today. Find out how my mentors and coaches helped me to be a better person, and how to apply these principles to your life.

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“Pay now play later versus play now pay later.” I’m not sure from whom I learned this phrase when I was a teenager. But the impact of this statement has stuck with me throughout most of my private and professional life. I shared it with my son, nieces and nephews to teach them the importance of its meaning.

For example: if one takes care of getting a task done prior to engaging in entertaining activities, it frees the mind and body to really enjoy oneself. But if you play first, the task that hasn’t been accomplish could weigh on ones mind. Thus taking away from the full enjoyment of playing.

In the case of the kids, I advice them to get their homework done first. Then they can have all the playtime they wanted. This is the same for us as adults. We may put off paying for something until later. Over time, the cost for that thing may increase beyond our means later than if we had just paid it in the first place. By all means, if you have the time or the funds pay now. Odds are you would enjoy better playtime later.

Get your autographed copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

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“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” ~ Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

How many times have someone missed an opportunity to gain knowledge, assistance, or something or someone that may benefit his/her life because he/she didn’t ask? It is generally due to the fear of rejection.

There were instances when I struggled with a problem or needed assistance in a situation, but I hesitated to ask for help. Then, I pushed myself to get pass the fear of the dreaded “no.” I ask of myself: What is the worse that can happen because I got the answer “no.?” Often the answer is not that serious. This gives me the courage to ask. Guess what? The answer is usually “yes.” I found out that I lose more when I don’t ask, than when I do. 

Paulo Coelho says it best…when we ask, this universe of ours conspires to make it happen.  Go ahead. Ask! Enjoy this Wisdom Wednesday by Living a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose!

Get your autographed copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

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“A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.” ~ Ayn Rand

Do you suffer from the “Crab” syndrome? If you watch crabs in a basket, you may observe that when one tries to climb out the basket to freedom, the others are pulling it down. Many people have this crab mentality. Instead of being happy for others successes, they criticize them or try to tear them down.

What they don’t realize is, the more you celebrate others wins and achievements, the more you are likely to be motivated to achieve yours! Hanging out with losers, crabs, will claw away at your self-confidence and drain your energy. Get Rid of the Crabs in Your Life! Surround yourself with winners who are quick to celebrate your success!

Keep Living a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose!

Get your autographed copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters at “A Day with the Authors Event” Saturday, Sept. 13, 2014 (10:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.) at the African American Research Library and Cultural Center. 

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