Take a Poll - Make Your Webinar Interactive
Take a Poll – Make Your Webinar Interactive

Interacting with Your Audience

Welcome back! In Part 1 you read about importance of good content, and in Part 2 you learned how to get organized in this four-part series. Now it is time to conduct your Webinar. Don’t fail by making your session! Your content may be technical, complex or perhaps it is a new concept that requires critical thinking. This doesn’t mean it has to be a Snoozer! You can make the Webinar interactive and fun.

Let’s get started…

1) Establish a rapport – Start your Webinar by establishing a great rapport with your audience. Tell them why they should pay attention to you. Lay the foundation of why you have authority or expertise about the subject. Share tidbits about yourself that may help to endear you to the audience.  Or make them laugh; great humor disarms people.  Remember, people buy from folks they like and trust.

2) That Monotone Voice – Did you ever get on a Webinar and the presenter voice makes you want to sleep? You find yourself constantly yawning. Using voice modulation will help to your audience pay attention. Raising and lowing your voice at certain point during the Webinar will make your points come across better. You can emphasize certain words and phrases such as “THIS product will…”

3) Get rid of the Ums, Ers, Likes – It is amazing to me how much folks don’t realize how often they use filler words as crutch words when speaking. It drives me crazy to hear a presenter saying: “and then, you can, like, use it to, um, tweak your, er, SEO ranking.” WHAT! With all those filler words the message gets lost. I’ve been a Toastmasters member from 2009. This organization helped me to learn to get rid of my penchant for using the word “like” every time I opened my mouth. Check it out at toastmasters.org. Visit a club. It may change your life. It did mine.

4) Ask questions – Asking questions of your audience and allowing them to reply either in the chat session or verbally helps to keep the audience tuned in. Utilizing questions keeps it interactive. Asking a question at the beginning, during and after the session is helpful in keeping the audience engage. It is a great way to gauge if the audience is learning from your presentation.

5) Affirmation Polls (Check in with Your Audience) – One of the tools I admire about my pastor is his use of “Amen” to validate that his parishioners are paying attention. He would make a statement then ask: “Can a get an Amen?” or he may say: “Clap, if you agree.” Checking in with your audience by polling them with a question or statement that prompts an immediate response is a great way to ensure they are following along.

6) Offer Give-aways to Make it Fun – Tell the participants that “N” amount of respondents will receive  a special discount or a give-away item for doing “xyz.” People like gifts and discounts. It could be a free e-book, consultation session, or discount on the next Webinar.

One of my best experiences on a Webinar was a few years ago. The presenter, Lewis Howe, demonstrated how establishing the right LinkedIn Profile can help to increase the participant’s visibility on LinkedIn. This would in turn make the participant more attractive to future employers and recruiters. Lewis had the participant modify his/her profile with keywords during the Webinar. This action caused the participants ranking in his/her area of expertise to increase.

When Lewis was finished he gave a Call to Action to purchase a more detailed session for successfully navigating LinkedIn. The response rate was very high to his Call to Action. You too could increase the success of your Call to Action by keeping your clients and future clients engaged through interactive, informative and fun Webinars.

You have created great content, got yourself organized for your Webinar and you have everything set to make it an interactive session for you participants. But what about the platform? Which Webinar provider should you select? Part four, the final part of this series will give you some information how to select a provider.

We are almost at the finish line for you to conduct successful Webinars. The Webinar Platform you choose as your Webinar “stage” is important. Do not choose free, cheap or even expensive as your only reason for selecting  a Webinar provider.

Find out how I learned these tips and more from my Diamond Cutters, My Mentors and Coaches, pick up a copy of Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters today.

Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters


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Treasures Thursday – Two Hearts

The day I knew you were formed in me
I knew I had gained another heart
A Heart that beats along with yours
A heart that skips a beat
Each time we part

This heart cries when you cry
Rejoices when you are happy
Breaks when you ache
Prays for you for heaven’s sake

It was rendered weak
When you carried your first cross
Of life’s unexpected blow
Unfair love loss

This mother’s heart
May dream for you,
Cheer for you,
Even May die for you

But it cannot Live for you, my son
Not even for a day
That’s the only way
These two hearts can stay

Marlene M. Bryan

 Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!

Truth - Emerson.001

To thine own self be true. Free yourself. Live your truth! Dare to Live Your Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose!

Get your copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today. Find out how my mentors and coaches helped me to be a better person, and how to apply these principles to your life.

Follow me on Facebooksearch-e1395241973582 Let’s Link on LinkedIn  linkedin-logo-webtreats Tweet with me on Twittertwitter-icon

Beautiful Heart from http://www.psdtop.com/

My son shared this beautiful quote with me today. I think it is appropriate to share it with you on Treasures Thursday.

“The blessing is much more powerful in Hebrew, but it says: ‘Wherever you go, may people always recognize that you have a beautiful heart.’ ”

My son read it on the Humans of New York (HONY) Facebook page. I checked out the site and instantly liked it. Click HONY to view the site.

Happy Treasures Thursday to you. To find more Treasures of the Heart get your copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

Follow me on Facebooksearch-e1395241973582 Let’s Link on LinkedIn  linkedin-logo-webtreats Tweet with me on Twittertwitter-icon


“You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read.” ~ James Baldwin

You may feel that no one understands what you are going through. Acknowledge how you feel.  Yet, know you are alone. Someone has experienced your situation. Reach out to others. Share your experience. You may discover the treasure of a mentor that has gone through it, survived it and has grown stronger despite it.

Remember You Are Not Alone on Treasures Thursday!

Keep Living a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose!