A carat is the unit of measure used for sizing a diamond. The greater the size the greater the carat, the more valuable is the piece of diamond. My mother, my diamond cutter, my mentor, taught us that there are other valuable things in life that diamonds cannot buy. She taught us that we must love one another, in spite of our flaws; we should learn how to forgive and we should have faith in God.  She told us if we continue to live these life lessons, we will become valuable to others.

Continue reading “Live a Diamond Life Part Four – Carat – Your Value to Others”


Living in separate addresses Of our subconscious minds Searching, grouping for caresses Of the rarest kinds Trying to pull back from the abyss Of endless nothingness Reaching towards the bliss Of the truest happiness Striving to know the proclivity Of our own sensuality Beseeching for serenity Of alleged normality Vacillating emotionally From the mental ism-schism Existing vicariously Through the shades of voyeurism Marlene M. Bryan 10-18-2011 


I make too much
To get assistance
They said it
So rude
But not enough
To buy food
Not enough to be
Just enough to be

The Middle class
They say is
Where I belong
But not enough
To right a wrong
Not enough to be
Just enough to be

Get an education
They say and
You will
Get a job
But not enough
Not enough to be
Just enough to be

Work part-time
They say
To pay the bills
But not enough
It’s a given
Not enough to
Pay the
Not enough to be
Just enough to be

But enough
Of What
They say
Of being
Of being
To The Streets
I go
To Be
To Be

Marlene M. Bryan


Diamonds are examined for clarity. The more they reflect and refract light, the more transparency they have.  This is also and indication of purity. My diamond-cutter mother always taught me to be clear about who I am and what I want in life. She taught her children to be honest and open in order for us to demonstrate our integrity.  This also affords her the ability to defend us in any situation in which our honesty is questioned.

Continue reading “Live a Diamond Life Part Three – Clarity, Your Values”

“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend!” Marilyn Monroe sung this famous song in the movie “Gentlemen prefer blonds.” Once upon a time, my motto was: “Baby needs diamonds!” I enjoyed buying and receiving them as gifts. Over the years, diamonds have taken on a different meaning to me, my focus has shifted to how diamonds are formed and the value that people place on them.

Continue reading “Live a Diamond Life Part One – Diamond Cutters”