I had the distinct honor of speaking to four hundred high school seniors at the Coral Gables High School. I had no idea a news reporter would be attending the event. She briefly interviewed me. I just got a phone call from a guy who is trying to get me to one of those speaker’s seminar…he told me that he saw an article about me in the Miami Herald. I didn’t know what he was talking about. I googled it and here is the article…by the way, it is not me in the picture. I find the more I give of myself, the more happier I am. Give it a try; if you haven’t yet. Live a Diamond LIfe…A Life of Purpose.

Miami Herald Article Coral Gables High

My grandfather is almost 98 years old and he still believes in the phrase: “Hang your hat where you can reach it.” I recall that he would say this to us when someone was about to make financial decisions, such as buying a house or any large purchase. His advice was that one should only take on financial obligations that one can handle.

I confess that I did not always follow his advice. When I was an undergraduate student, like so many freshmen in college, I gladly acquired credit cards and maxed them out to their limits. That was my introduction to being overly extended, financially.  I also learned the value of having a good credit rating. Being hounded by the collections agency was not fun at all. Most importantly, I understood the value of what my grandfather meant all those years.

The stress of having credit card debt at a young age was overwhelming at times. I hung my hat where I could not reach it. Most of my income I earned went to paying off those debts when I graduated from college. I had to live with my mother until I got most of them paid off. I promised myself that I would live by my grandfather’s advice going forward. Now whenever I have to make any decision, I ask myself if I can handle the responsibility without being overwhelmed.  I apply this to most aspects of my life.

I submit to you that you too can benefit from my grandfather’s advice. Take on only the things you can handle. This does not mean avoiding risks; it means you should be prudent when you do take them on. As I stated, my grandfather will be turning 98 in a couple of months and he is still giving great advice. I intend to pay closer attention to him and his words of wisdom.

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Here is to “The Successful You!”

It is interesting to know that we are composed of mostly water with some chemicals thrown in; yet, all of these work together to form bones, muscles, tissues, organs, nervous system, our entire being. We are simple and complex beings all at once. These complex compositions of chemicals, water, tissues, etc. help us to control our bodies and our minds. What we do with our bodies through our minds does matter.

Continue reading “Start Today!”

Picture from Cooperative Intelligence

One of my mentors, Hugo Arce, said this to me many years ago: “Marlene, losers like to hold hands.” We were talking about relationships and he was counseling me on choosing wisely the folks I let into my life. He was so on target with this advice. I have made the mistake of letting the wrong people in my inner circle. I’m sure most of you have also. These are the people who at first blush seem to want to be your best friends or mates.

Continue reading “Losers Like to Hold Hands”