
Last week Wednesday, 12/12/12, I had the good fortunate of attending one of the best techie events in South Florida, ITPalooza. It was held at Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida. The organizers of this event should be proud of themselves. I was impressed with the advertising of the event, the easy registration process, and the signage that guided me to the parking and to the main event building. The folks working the registration desks were very efficient and friendly.

Best of all I really thought the different workshops and vendors across many different disciplines of the technology world, catered to various background and skills attendees have or know. I was able to have great discussion of upcoming software applications and chat with vendors about network technology, cloud computing and much more. I met lots of new folks in locally and nationally. I also ran into some old colleagues that I have not seen in years.

So what’s the big deal? South Florida is on a mission to become known as a mecca for technology companies. By hosting events like ITPalooza, it sends a message that tech companies will be able to establish business here in the area and will be able to find talents to fill positions. It serves to attract higher paying jobs to the area; thus increases ability to provide better services and schools to the community.

On a selfish note, I’m a techno geek and love the ability to meet other geeks like myself. It doesn’t hurt when you add good food that is free to the mix! I give this event high marks and will definitely keep a watch out for the next one.

Until then…Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!

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VIP Passes

I love meeting new people. If I am standing in the grocery line, I will say hello to the person in front and behind me. I will randomly start up a conversation with someone. Why do I do it? Simple. People have a wealth of information to offer; if you just ask. Now, I’m not talking about prying into the person’s business. I am talking about life events or perhaps I may be puzzled about something and toss the question out there to see what answers I will get back.

Last night I took my friends who are visiting from Canada to mid-town Miami. It was exciting to see the preparation going on for the big art festival, Art Basel Miami. This event always has a VIP only night. We decided to sit at one of the trendy restaurant, the bar was more convenient for us to sit at the time. While there, a fellow walked up to order a drink. I noticed he had a badge on for the Art Show. I asked him about it and he said he is setting up his exhibit. He is one of the artists. Before long I found out he was from Connecticut and we struck up a conversation about the exhibit. I told him I blogged and would love to write an article about him.

I asked if he had any passes to the VIP event since one of my friends will be returning to Canada soon. He said he would get us passes. He returned with two passes that give us access for four people to the VIP event! My friends were quite impressed and told me that they love the way I am always observant and not afraid to speak with anyone. I thought then about the Biblical precept: “Ask and you shall receive.”

Live a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose

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From the dawn of time, humans have used various methods to communicate: smoke signals, drums, messengers on foot and horseback, carrier pigeons, telegraphs, wired telephone, and today’s mobile phones and the Internet. We have always had the need to communicate with each other.  Technology has improved the methods we use to communicate with each. Communication has become more convenient and effortless, generally. Unfortunately, today’s modern communication systems rely on a system that is flawed and have not had much improvement in the United States.

Yes, we have gone from the use of fires sites, to candles to kerosene lamps to electricity to provide us light, but the grids that transport electricity have fallen behind the improvements that our communication systems have experienced.  We see how vulnerable our electrical grids are as seen in the power outages due to outdated equipment and network design. The damages that Hurricane turned Tropical Storm Sandy caused to the supply of power to the Northeast underscores this vulnerability of this antiquated system.

As a nation, we have become more reliant on access to electricity for most of our activities in our daily lives. We use electricity to cook our food, to wash our clothes, to secure and heat our homes, to power our electric cars, and to power our phones and computers. Electricity permeates our lives and we have become very dependent on this power source.  It is amazing to me that the public is not demanding that the power companies improve the backbone of our power supply in this nation. Think of all the money that has been lost because of the delayed repairs of the services in Northeast. Imaging the billions of dollars that may have been lost with the inability of the stock market being down.

We are so concerned about securing our borders, and we should; however, we have lost sight of the great need to secure our electrical power grids by modernizing these systems and ensuring that they cannot be affected by certain natural and man-made events. This can lead to economical and security disasters. It is said one should build one’s house on solid ground and not on sinking sand. If we don’t improve our power grids, we run the risk of building our fancy communications systems not only on a shaky foundation but also on quicksand.

Live a Diamond Life! Live a Life of Purpose!

Click to like my fan pages: MarleneMBryanLLC and HigherRoadConsultingCorporation

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With the passage of legalized marijuana in both the states of Colorado and Washington, people are wondering what the response will be from the Federal Government that still states marijuana use is illegal. I am wondering how the corporate world in these states will react. As we know many corporation test new applicants for drug use. Now that these states allow their citizens to smoke marijuana legally, do they now stop drug testing for this for the job seekers?

If there are nationwide corporation, do they not test for marijuana in these two states, but test in the other forty-eight states? What if an employee transfers from Colorado to New York, does this employee lose his/her job because they were smoking pot in Colorado legally under this state law? How do you prove that a worker was impaired by the use of marijuana on the job or at home? It is much harder to prove than alcohol.

If a corporation doesn’t hire an applicant or fires a worker that tests positive for marijuana, do they risk being sued in these states if the drug is consumed on personal time? Does the corporation that removes marijuana from the list of tested drugs, does this exposes them to higher insurance costs or liability for damages a marijuana smoking, worker may cause? As you can see, I have many questions swirling in my head.

This is new territory for corporation, one that I don’t see turning back. In my opinion the horse is already out the barn. It is only a matter of time before more states adopt the views of Colorado and Washington states. More and more of the citizens of the USA have views that are more favorable to the personal use of marijuana. Corporate America will have to quickly devise plans that would address this situation before it gets ahead of their existing policies on drug use.

What’s your opinion? Please leave a comment.

Live a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose.

Like my Fan Pages: MarleneMBryanLLC and HigherRoadConsultingCorporation

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Clouds gathering

Swirling in the whirlpool

Of my thoughts

Doubt creeping in

Like the Grim Ripper

To kill my dreams


Then I recall

Who I am

And Whose I am

I belong to

The Great I AM


Hope rises

Like the Dawning

Of a New Day

Happy Sunlight

Fills my Soul




Marlene M. Bryan


Live a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose!

Click to like my Fan Pages: MarleneMBryanLLC and HigherRoadConsultingCorporation

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