“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” ~ Helen Keller
It is no surprise that Pharrell Williams’ song “Happy” is such a successful hit with many people across age groups, cultures and nations. People enjoy being happy. I haven’t met many people who enjoy being sad or down. In fact, most successful people I meet seem generally happy.
In the infancy of my corporate career, one of my managers called me into his office one morrning. He pointed out that my attitude was affecting the team. He said that when I came into the office with a great attitude it was as though the sun was shining. When I came in with a bad attitude, the place was gloomy. Whether I knew it or not many of my team members saw me as leader. As such everyone around me couldn’t help but become contagious with my attitude: good or bad.
This was an eye opener for me. I became more aware of my impact on others because of my attitude. Now most often I choose to be happy. This doesn’t mean that I don’t have bad days, it just means I choose how I react to each situation. By choosing to see things working out for the best, I feel better and happier. Happiness is a choice and is within you. Take Helen Keller’s advice “Keep Happy!”
Live a Diamond Life! Life a Happy Life of Purpose!
Pick up a copy of the Diamond Cutters book to learn how to find your purpose.
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