I love ending the 2012 business year on a high note. I had that experience while attending the CEO Forum hosted by the South Florida Minority Supplier Diversity Council (SFMSDC.org) and GrowFL.com Tuesday, December 18, 2012. The purpose of the even was to encourage minority business owners in the growth of their business and share information that other successful minority CEOs have had in their businesses.
The keynote speaker was Charles P. Garcia. Mr. Garcia has a very impresses resume that spans starting, growing and eventually selling his company for a large profit; working for four presidents and now as a venture capitalist helping other minority and small business owners build their dreams. He was very energetic and dynamic in his storytelling of his various business experiences. He peppered his speech with humor as he related about growing his company; interviewing the different powerful folks for his book Leadership Lessons of the White House Fellows; and the life advices his grandfather and his mother gave him.
I especially liked the advice his mother gave him that is not what you have materially that makes you successful; it is how you make people feel and how you have impacted their lives. These are words we all can enact in our lives as we pursue our dreams and creating companies that will serve others. While I didn’t win the raffle of his books, I felt that I was a winner at this event. I intend to buy it to learn more from this author, orator and business savvy CEO. Thank you SFMSDC and GrowFL.com for ending my business year on a positive note. Thank you Charles P. Garcia for sharing your experiences with us.

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