One of the people I follow in the Social Media world is Lewis Howes. He always has great info on LinkedIn. Yesterday, he posted a question on his page see below:

“Which social network will you STOP using or will go out of style first?
1. Twitter
2. Facebook
3. LinkedIn
4. YouTube
5. Google+
6. Pinterest

Most of the replies came back with Google+ as the front-runner as the first to die out in the online social networking arena. Some made the case that Facebook is dying because younger kids are moving to Instagram or Twitter.  The conversation is an interesting one. Personally, I use Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to promote my businesses, in that order. I am working to develop our business presence on YouTube because I see this as a very important vehicle to get the message across about our products and services.

I must admit that I occasionally stop by Google+ and Pinterest to post something. Part of my issue is that most of my contacts have not migrated to Google+ from Facebook. Managing my circles on Google+ takes time and I don’t have much of that these days. I do like using the Hangout feature. It still needs a few quirks worked out, but one of the pastors at my church uses it for bible study. This works great of me, because I don’t have to drive far to take part in the group. Pinterest is still just growing, but I like the ease of use.

I think I use Facebook most, not only because of the number of contacts, but I am used to it. I know how must things work on Facebook, even if they make unannounced changes occasionally. I have a love hate thing going with Twitter. In order to grow my contacts I have to tweet often, respond to retweets, mentions, etc. Sometimes I forget to thank someone and feel bad about it. Too much emotional ties sometimes. Overall, I am not sure which one will go out first; Google has very big pockets while Facebook is still trying to monetize the database of users. I love LinkedIn for professional connections and sharing jobs or business leads with my contacts.

What’s your opinion?

Live a Diamond Life! Live a LIf e of Purpose!

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Okay, I may be stretching the truth a bit. But my son did learn to tie a bowtie for his singing performances via a YouTube demonstration video. He also learned to fold his clothes for packing his suitcase from another YouTube video. As a single parent, I had to travel for my job and also worked long hours. This meant that my son had to be self-sufficient in certain areas, like learning to tie a bowtie.

From he was quite young, a baby, I had him on my lap in front of a computer or had him on my back when I went to the library. He is now proficient in the use of technology and loves to read books. In fact, I do say he is a much better writer than I am. He did critique my papers for my masters program and he was harder on me than my professors! Being raised by a single mom on the go has forced him to become more independent and a bit more mature than some of his peers.

I felt guilty at first about not spending as much time with him, because of my work schedule. Yet, I always ensured that the time I had with him was filled with quality events, assisting him with various projects, and encouraging him in his pursuit of his goals. Now that he is a senior in college getting great grades and seeming to be well adjusted socially, I am happy that he had other avenues like YouTube to help guide him. My mother, family and friends also played major parts in his upbringing, but there were times he had to use technology to help him out.

Technology when used for good and not evil can be a great thing.  We know that there are some really awful videos on YouTube that can cause harm instead of good. It is what we humans chose to do with technology that makes the difference. Now, if I can only anticipate what effect Barney, the purple dinosaur, had on him! Only time will tell!

Live a Diamond Life! A Life of Purpose!

Click to like my Facebook Fan Page: MarleneMBryanLLC

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When I first started using Social Media to communicate with others, I committed to not speak much about sex, religion and politics. I am more of the nature of having an open mind and not wanting to offend others. Then, my pastor asked the congregation to make October 14, 2012 a day of prayer on Twitter. He said we should use the Hashtag #1000PRAYERS. At first, I thought to myself that goes against my Social Media beliefs.

As I thought about it during the week, I realize that my faith is a part of who I am. If I am befriending people or associating with others, then letting them know the “me” that I am should not be offensive to them. If they are offended by the fact that I pray for others or I am grateful for the many people and blessings in my life, maybe they shouldn’t be in my social circle.  I am comfortable in my faith now, where I can say Namaste, Shalom, As-Salaam Alaykum or any other religious greeting without feeling less than a Christian.

My faith allows me to include others who may be different from me and this makes me stronger. My faith allows me to feel hope and give hope when there is no hope.  My faith allows me to be tolerant other religious beliefs or non-beliefs. My faith allows me to accept people as they are and to see the potential in them all. My faith after all is Love.

Live a Diamond Life! A Life of Purpose!

Click to Like My Facebook Fan Page: MarleneMBryanLLC

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Live Life

One of my friends posted Julio Iglesias’ song “Me Olvide De Vivir” translation “I Forgot to Live.”  Click to listen to the song. The song opens with:

“From running through life without brake
I forgot that life is lived one moment
In both want to be the first in everything
I forgot to live the small details.”

This song reminds me of a woman in her nineties who told me: “Pay attention to the details, Marlene. If you don’t it will come back to bite you.”  We have to remember that life is to be lived. Sometimes I find myself running so fast, trying to do so much that I didn’t stop to appreciate what I have done and with whom I did it. I didn’t stop to smell the roses, and then I realize that they are now withered and dry.

Our life is finite, my dear hearts. Take the time to enjoy the moments: great, small and in between. Appreciate the people in your life, those who help to make your day a little brighter and happier. Strive to live with few regrets, better yet none at all. Don’t forget to live along the way.  Live a life of intention and love.

Live a Diamond Life. A Life of Purpose.

Thank you for liking my Facebook fan page: MarleneMBryanLLC 

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Being in sales is not the easiest thing to do. Yet, I believe sometimes we make it harder than what it needs to be. If you ask most people, they don’t see themselves as sales people. As I have stated in the past, you come out of the womb selling. You sell your parents that you are cute enough to keep around. You sell them on feeding you every time you cried. During your childhood you probably sell them on giving you things that you wanted instead of what you needed. Still many people fear the sales arena.

In my opinion, it is because they are: afraid of rejection, think they might offend the person by asking for the business, or felt insecure about what they know regarding their products or services. I have found that I do well in sales when I share what I know about something without expecting anything in return. For instance, I sat next to a young lady in a meeting one day. I saw her using her cell phone and she was having an issue with it.

I introduced myself to her and asked her what type of phone she had and I started to show her different things that she could do with the phone. She was so pleased about what she learned and how the phone could help her be more efficient in her daily activities. This opened the door for me to ask her what she did for a living. To my surprise she was in a very high position in one of the company I was trying to get access to sell some of the products I was selling. She was very happy to set up an appointment for me to meet with the key decision maker.

This is the way that I have gotten access to many of my past deals. Simply by offering assistance and sharing what I know has brought me some of the clients I have, today. Bob Burg, the author of the book Go-Giver speaks about this extensively. You have to give in order to receive. Make your sales process easier by taking the time to give without any hidden agenda and you will be rewarded in the nicest way!

Live a Diamond Life, A Life of Purpose!

Please click to like my Facebook Fan Page: MarleneMBryanLLC