Dawnna St. Louis

The phone rang and I glanced over to see who was interrupting my busy day. It was Dawnna St. Louis, one of my mentors. I happily took her call because she always has nuggets of wisdom to share. This time it was different. It was a business offer.

Dawnna asked if I wanted to go with her to New Orleans to the Promotional Products Association International Women Leadership Conference. She was the closing keynote speaker. She wanted me to network for her during the conference. I would intermingle with the attendees, share information about Dawnna, and collect information that the attendees want to learn. Our mission was to secure at least two solid speaking engagements for Dawnna after the conference.

Of course I said “Yes.” Someone is going to fly me out to New Orleans, pay for my hotel, air and for what I love doing: networking and meeting new people? Absolutely, I was going.

The first night of the conference we attended the welcoming cocktail party. While Dawnna chatted with one of the other speakers, I floated around to meet the women. These women were quite friendly and welcomed me into their circle. I told them that I worked with Dawnna and she wanted to know what it is that they wanted to learn at the conference. Dawnna’s desired to ensure she delivered the most impactful speech and teach them “The Audacious Acts of Powerful Women Leaders,”  her keynote speech title.

The workshops and networking sessions started on Monday and concluded on Wednesday with Dawnna’s keynote speech. Throughout that time, I mingled with the attendees. As I learned about the women’s interests and career concerns, I shared the information with Dawnna. She incorporated this information in her speech to make it more effective for the audience. I also told the women they shouldn’t miss Dawnna’s speech. She would be sharing valuable tips for them to be more successful in their industry. I informed these women that Dawnna was one of my mentors that have given me the confidence to start and grow my business.

By the time Dawnna to take the stage, the women’s expectation and curiosity had grown. Dawnna entered the room with a lot of energy, boldness and music playing to engage the audience.  She threw out a challenge for four of them to get up on stage; if they thought they were audacious enough. The room exploded with excitement. The women rushed to the stage. I was in position to allow only four of them on stage. These women overcame whatever shyness they had and performed whatever acts Dawnna asked of them up on that stage. Here is an image of them having fun and the audience laughing along with them.

Next Dawnna shared her powerful story about going from being homeless to being the CIO of a multi-million-dollar company. She shared the challenges she faced in a male-dominated industry. This story resonated with the audience. Next she taught them how they can use audacious acts to become powerful women leaders in their careers. Finally, she concluded with questions from the audience that gave them an opportunity to get answers to burning questions they had. The event was a great success!

Here are things I learned from networking for Dawnna:

  1. Care about what the audience needs/wants and not what you think they want to know.
  2. Take the time to get to know them by listening more and talking less.
  3. Be open and genuine when you approach them, you will be accepted more readily.
  4. Offer to be of assistance to the event organizer. This goes a long way in getting access to your audience.
  5. It is not about you, the networker, it is about the person your are networking for and his/her audience.
  6. Perform your best for your client by going the extra mile.

The organizer requested that Dawnna and I attend the final dinner party in order for the women to speak with Dawnna in an informal setting. At the event, some of the women chatted with Dawnna while I got testimonials from the others on a cell phone. They were too happy to share that they thought Dawnna was the best speaker at the conference. They also told Dawnna what I great job I did for her. Our goal was to secure two new speaking engagements after the conference. We secured five! Mission Accomplished!


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Marlene M. Bryan is a Distinguished Toastmaster, DTM. She is a certified speaker and leader by Toastmasters International. She is currently the District 47 Public Relations Officer, and leader of the Public Relations Team. She provides her services to over 3800 members throughout the district. Marlene is the owner of Marlene M. Bryan, Corp and Small Biz Evolution, LLC. She is a Speaker, an Author and a Business Coach.



“You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.” ~ Michelle Obama

Making tough decisions is not easy. In one of my management positions in the corporate arena, I had to decide to let a direct report go. The company had changed the job requirements for that particular position. Training was provided to all the current employees to get them up to speed on their new responsibilities.

Yet this direct report was struggling in the position and falling behind on key projects. Although, we sat down and worked out a 90-day performance improvement plan (PIP), his performance did not improve. In fact, more clients were complaining at the end of the first 30 days of his PIP period.

His performance also affected his teammates. They had to shoulder more of the work due to his reduced output and inability to master the skills required to get the job done. It was stressful on the entire team. I knew I had no other choice but to release him from the position.

I informed the Human Resources representative of my intent. I informed her that the employee was a great person. He arrived at work on-time. He was very pleasant and respectful of others. She agreed with me that we would release him. We also agreed to include a note in his file that states he would be able to reapply for the position, should he improve his skills.

Making this tough decision was very difficult and stressful. I thought about the impact of this decision on him and his family. But I had to look at the big picture: his performance was affected the company’s clients, the image of the company and his teammates.

At the time I informed him of the decision, I told him that I admire him as person. This was a very difficult decision. I allowed him to share his thoughts and offer to write a recommendation letter for him based upon his current skills set.

As a leader, you will be faced with making tough decisions. Before you do here are some tips to help you:

1) Sit down and weigh the pros and cons of making this decision

2) Determine how will it affect others around you

3) Create a plan will you to keep moving forward towards your goals based on this decision

4) Identify and enlist the assistance of key people in carrying out your plan

It may be tough making difficult decisions, but it doesn’t have to be ugly. Do it with the proper ethic, be respectful of all involved and be honest. Good News: The former employee was able to find another job that he liked. We are still in contact with each other, today.

Here is to your success in leadership on Invincible Monday.

Get your copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today. Find out how my mentors and coaches helped me to be a better person, and how to apply these principles to your life.

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Driving to one of my business meetings, I encountered a detour sign that took me a different way than I was used to taking to my destination. It forced me to reroute. This caused me some anxiety about getting lost and whether I would be late to my meeting. Then I started to notice the beautiful homes along this new route. There were also stately trees that formed a natural canopy over the road. Lovely flowers and shrubs spanned the neatly manicured lawns.

By the time I knew it, I was back on the way no longer detoured. I was able to get to my destination on-time with a new aspect about my detour. Along our journey to fulfilling our Diamond Life Purpose, we will encounter detours. They may be self-imposed or due to external circumstances. Here is some thoughts for handling these detours:

1) Don’t immediately go into panic mode.
2) Pay attention to what is going on around you.
3) See if there is something you can learn or admire about these detours.
4) Remember these are only detours.
5) Don’t lose site of your final destination…living your purpose.

My take away from this particular detour is that:

1) I learned a new way to get to my destination.
2) I love the views along the way.
3) Life detours will happen, but how I react to them determines my experiences.
4) I won’t give up moving towards living my Diamond Life!

Reflect on some of your detours as you travel in the direction of Living your Life of Purpose on Invincible Monday. What stands out? What lessons did you learn? Did you meet people that you appreciate from these detours? We all have one final destination in this physical life. The attitudes and views we take along life’s highways and by-ways, whether by detours or adherence, will determine how we Live a Diamond Life. Choose to have an open mind. Embrace the good while letting the bad fall by the wayside.

Singing “Life is a highway. I wanna ride it all night long!” by Rascal Flatts, and smiling on Invincible Monday.

Get your copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today. Find out how my mentors and coaches helped me to be a better person, and how to apply these principles to your life.

Follow me on Facebooksearch-e1395241973582 Let’s Link on LinkedIn  linkedin-logo-webtreats Tweet with me on Twittertwitter-icon

Invincible Monday - Heart of a Champ.001

My fellow Toastmaster, Lyle, is someone with whom I enjoy speaking. At 86 years old, Lyle has experienced so much in life. He was his high school quarterback on the football team, he was a race car driver and travel all over the world. He is a true Champ. His stories are always fun and fascinating.

One day last week, Lyle told me he had some advice for me. He said: “Kiddo, I’m worried about you. I see you doing so much, maybe too much. You have the Heart of a Champ and people know this about you. When you do anything you go all the way with it. You hardly say no. This will draw others to you. But Champs are often taken advantage of. I don’t want that for you. Don’t become a floor mat. Stay a Champ. Slow down and rest.”

This wasn’t the first advice Lyle has shared with me. But it is one to which I’m paying attention. I’m working to implement this. Lyle advice is not only for me, it is for all of you also. As you push to live your Diamond Life, Your Life of Purpose, folks may want to add other tasks to your list. Don’t take them on if they don’t fulfill your purpose. They are just distractions. Remember that even Champs need rest. Take time to refuel and refresh as you work towards living your purposeful life.

Keep your Heart of a Champ strong on Invincible Monday!

Get your copy of Live a Diamond Life, Live a Life of Purpose: Diamond Cutters, today.

Follow me on Facebooksearch-e1395241973582 Let’s Link on LinkedIn  linkedin-logo-webtreats Tweet with me on Twittertwitter-icon


“You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read.” ~ James Baldwin

You may feel that no one understands what you are going through. Acknowledge how you feel.  Yet, know you are alone. Someone has experienced your situation. Reach out to others. Share your experience. You may discover the treasure of a mentor that has gone through it, survived it and has grown stronger despite it.

Remember You Are Not Alone on Treasures Thursday!

Keep Living a Diamond Life. Live a Life of Purpose!